Witchcraft and Wicca
This treasury of more than 350 poems, prayers, hymns, blessings, and dramatic readings provides beautiful, powerful pieces that you can use to mark holidays, milestones, and the passing of the seasons. Discover prayers to Janus from Horace and Ovid, a traditional Scottish blessing for Imbolc, an invocation to Pan by poet Helen Bantock, a salutation to the sun by Aleister Crowley, a pharoah's hymn to Isis, a song for Lammas by Gwydion Pendderwen, and many, many more. In addition to readings and blessings for Pagan holidays and other special days throughout the year, you will also discover prayers for weddings and funerals and to coincide with phases of the moon.
Author Barbara Nolan includes brief historical or biographical details to contextualize each piece as well as descriptions of various holidays and festivals to help you integrate these readings into your practice. A Year of Pagan Prayer demonstrates that the literary worship of Pagan deities was never fully lost in the West. This bounteous collection draws from the creative and spiritual legacy of Italian Renaissance poets, ancient Sumerian priestesses, twentieth-century Pagans, French Romantics, Greek playwrights, nineteenth-century British occultists, and Egyptian hymnists, making it a must-have sourcebook for anyone who yearns to embody the eloquent expressions of our Pagan past.
Limited Book and Deck set.
The Serpent Ikons: A Sorcerous Distortion of the Tarot de Marseille Major Arcana is a card deck, philosophical commentary, and grimoire; combining at the very heart of its creation primal art, writing, and magickal practice. Forged in the fire of passion for the Mysteries, the Serpent Ikons are an oblation to the Self and its Daemon in the most sacred of experiences – one’s Life as a deliberate, Initiatory journey fashioned by the creativity and will of the magician.
The Serpent Ikons have their roots in the revolt against any religious authority imposing a singular and unilateral relationship with spiritual forces. They embrace the Witch’s way; that torturous path that defies dogma and distorts order. In The Serpent Ikons, the major arcana of the Tarot de Marseille have been subverted to act as a transgression of the Tarot tradition: the Operant needs only the Self for guidance, and prognostications are consciously chosen then brought into being through ritual with one’s Daemon.
£13.99 £16.99
Always, the Devil is presented as a beacon of decadence and indulgence, whether fair or foul. And, whether droll or tragic, he does – in spite of his bad press – appear always to have our best interests at heart. Perhaps this is why many of us have a soft spot for this notorious rebel who reflects, as he does, the all too human element within. As supreme chimera, he is without peer; his amorphous ambiguity allows him to cross continents, cultures, and time effortlessly; he afflicts art and society in ever more creative and challenging ways… To know his work, we must seek what lies beneath the final mask.