Everyday Yoga Meditation by Stephen Sturgess
Drawing mainly on the tradition of Kriya Yoga - the goal of which is to attune individual consciousness with the Divine, or Universal, Consciousness - yoga and meditation teacher Stephen Sturgess reveals in this book how to progress beyond the supple body to the vital, contented mind. After first explaining the deep value of Yoga Meditation, outlining the Eight Limbs of Yoga (as presented by ancient sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras text) and giving clear, comprehensive explanations of our internal energy system (including kundalini, chakras, nadis, the three bodies and the five sheaths), Stephen then goes on to present a wide range of yoga practices that can be used as a regular holistic health programme. If we were to view the body as a temple, the combination of asana, purification and pranayama practices first cleans the temple windows - building the physical body and mind - while the meditations then shine light into the inner sanctum - lighting up the Inner Self and enabling a deep sense of spirituality and peace.
A section at the end is then devoted to helping readers develop their personal practice, including advice on living with increased awareness, how to make yoga meditation a daily reality and a range of specially designed morning and evening routines, from a 15-minute programme up to 1 hour 45. In summary, readers are guided on a practical and nurturing journey towards a sense of enhanced calm, joy, happiness, harmony and personal fulfilment in life, where they will experience their fullest potential for both creative thought and action.
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