Monday-Sunday 11.00-18.30 19-21 Cecil Ct, London WC2N 4EZ, UK

Health Organisations & Websites

  • Awareness Training Courses: Courses on Reiki and Stress Management in West Wales.
  • The British Holistic Medical Association: an organisation for professionals and members of the public who wanted to adopt a more holistic approach in their own life and work. Through a significant nationwide membership of influential and like-minded individuals there is no doubt that the BHMA can help to shape the future of healthcare in the UK. They have a programme of activity that is designed to enable the dissemination of information, and to create opportunities for people with an interest in whole-person care to share their experiences and ideas.
  • Health Synergy - Hair analysis - tired, bloated, weight gain? The energy field in a lock of hair represents an energetic pattern of the body; our test can establish food sensitivities, vitamin/mineral deficiencies and other health issues.
  • Jonathan Chamberlain - Author of Cancer Recovery Guide, his website features a free interactive course designed to help with decisions about treating cancer.
  • Stress Alternatives -The aim of this website is to provide simple ways of improving emotional well being without having to resort to medication or expensive, time consuming therapy.
  • Welwyn Hatfield Complementary Practitioners Group - A group of complementary therapists practising in Welwyn Hatfield and the surrounding areas.