Spiritual & Ethical Organisations & Websites
Eckhart Tolle Contacts - This website is dedicated to helping people to find Stillness Groups to share the teachings of Eckhart Tolle on video or audio and take that feeling into periods of silent meditation. If you have discovered the life changing book by Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now or his new book A New Earth and would like to meet with others in stillness then this website is for you.
Time for Talking - Offers psychic readings using cards, angels, astrology, world-wide by phone, Skype, email/MP3. Also: Counselling & Talk Therapy (classical/psychological and spiritual/metaphysical) world-wide by phone or via Skype.
Caduceus has been published for 23 years, quarterly, and focuses on healing in all its forms - physical, psychological, spiritual, ecological and environmental.
Judy Piatkus - A well known global publisher and entrepreneur specialising in self-help and personal development shares some of her experiences of running a well-respected and successful company in the hope that it will help you in your workplace.
The God Light - a helpful site for those interested in spiritualism or spiritual philosophy, organised by Leon Brown who is a qualified counsellor, psychic consultant and reiki master.
The Hamblin Trust - a registered charity seeking to promote healthy living through its publications and a rich and balanced programme of events. The Trust operates from Bosham, West Sussex and is set in three acres of lovely grounds. It has a beautiful hall/consultancy room in the grounds, available for hire..
Hawkwood College - a registered charity seeking to foster ways and means to a spiritual foundation of life. Set in the beautiful Cotswolds of England, this residential centre of learning offers a wide range of short courses, from music, science, arts and crafts to personal development.
Harry Potter for Seekers - A resource for people who want to know more about the spiritual symbolism in the Harry Potter books.
Lightworker Activation - a resource for Lightworkers, Healers, Indigo Children and those interested in personal and spiritual development.
Malindi Centre - offers accredited training, weekly meditation classes, Omni healing, venue/room hire, weekly/monthly workshops and a range of alternative therapies.
Samantha Grayson - writer of personalised fairy and fantasy based stories and books - a unique gift.
Sunnylands - Offers hatha yoga classes and runs workshops on angels and ascension in the Northamptonshire, Warwickshire and Bedfordshire areas.
The Psychic Cafe is a fun environment for like-minded people to learn about the many aspects of mind, body and spirit. An opportunity to network and enjoy the company of others in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere.
The Psychic Highway - encompasses spiritual and psychic awareness and encourages those who wish to learn more about these subjects to find guidance within the site.
The Secret - the website to accompany the amazing phenomenon that is spreading knowledge of the Law of Attraction like wildfire.
The Spirit Guides - This is a 'not for profit' group of local websites detailing what?s on spiritually in your local area, as well as holding many interesting pages of philosophy and peoples experiences. At the Spirit Guides the aim is to show fellow path walkers by example that nobody has a monopoly on spiritual beliefs/practices and that all light workers should work together as a collective. We hope we can all be an example to show that it is possible to work collectively for the common good of man and the universe.
The Samara Foundation - With the guidance of Tony Samara, discover a path of profound transformation, evolution of consciousness and inner peace. This path is open to all people, from all walks of life who seek Health, Happiness and Inner Peace.
Tau Community - an interfaith community for Light Workers, Carers and others, seeking friendship, spirituality and support from a committed group of soul seekers
The I AM Family of Light - "I very much look forward to welcoming you and sharing the Divine Love and the powerful inner transformations held in store for us in co-creation with the Spiritual Hierarchy" Christarose
The Magic of Being - a bi-monthly web-based magazine (e-zine), sharing people's journeys and perspectives, offering guidance into how to 'be here now', and how to make your life sparkle with your own brilliance.
Alliance for a New Humanity - Join the Alliance in the quest to link like-minded individuals and organisations with the goal of creating a united stance powerful enough to change the world.
Celtic Spirit - Cheryl Sullivan-nee Jones set up this website to share the knowledge she has been given with the hope that it will help others along their earthly paths.
The Secret Combination - TSC is a pioneering concept that seeks to improve people's lives through heightened self-knowledge and personal growth while simultaneously giving all of its profits to charity.