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Codex Althaeban Malik + Codex Icons by Peter & Carolyn Hamilton-Giles

First edition hardback and Codex Icons set.

Galvanising form from negative existence allows the Codex to analyse and describe how the Proklosis Ring is to be used as an orientating device, even while the ritual precinct remains exposed. Accompanying this philosophical exposition of the Black Dragon, the Codex addresses, in some depth, a ritual procedure which involves the inscribing of each letter of  I-Azi-Dahaka upon the earthen floor. The purpose of this rite is to draw in the extent of the Proklosis Ring without needing to contain. Each letter operates as a portal, together they portend the awakening of the sorcerous self. Additional layers of meaning are consequently added, thus exposing metaphysical associations to non-being that have up until now been hidden by the mantle of Otherness. Incorporating emanations from the Black Dragon, including the daemon emissaries and djinn from Volume 1, along with a retinue of familiar spirits not previously mentioned are thereby conveyed for the strict purpose of provisioning the sorcerer with a corpus of referential allegiances.

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