Tarot Cards
The Fortuna Tarot Deck is a 79 card deck designed to help you unlock your potential and turn your purpose into gold. Combining ancient alchemical principles, tarot, astrology, and numerology you will embark on a new journey within toward clarity and enlightenment, opening the gates of the occult and spirituality.
These cards respect some of the traditional symbolism found in other tarot decks combined with modern elements, purposely designed to help your mind to tap into higher realms, adding more layers to your readings. This deck celebrates the union between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine forces, that’s why the Court cards have been rearranged to Princess (Page) Prince (Knight), then Queen and King.
Before Aleister Crowley, before Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith, before the Golden Dawn, before Papus, Éliphas Lévi, and Etteilla, the first author to describe an occult version of the Tarot was Louis-Raphaël-Lucrèce de Fayolle, comte de Mellet, writing in Antoine Court de Gébelin’s, 1781, eighth volume of his monumental encyclopedia, Monde primitif.
The comte de Mellet associated the Tarot’s trumps with the Classical Ages of Man: the Age of Gold, the Age of Silver, and the Age of Iron. He correlated the Trumps with the letters in the Hebrew alphabet, he described the minor suits in detail, and he provided the earliest discussion of a divination technique for the Tarot.