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Gesar : Tantric Practices of the Tibetan Warrior King by Jamgon Mipham

Gesar of Ling is widely known as the hero of Tibet's national oral epic, considered the longest epic in the world. But he is also the focus of Buddhist practices in which his enlightened form, known as King Gesar the Jewel, becomes one of the numerous spiritual methods offered by Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism to progress toward buddhahood. This work contains the complete selection of practice texts compiled by the early modern Tibetan polymath Jamgon Mipham and included in his Collected Works.

Gesar personifies the ideal of the spiritual warrior, who tames negative forces which obstruct the Buddhist path. The practices presented here detail poetic imagery of offerings and their recipients, including Gesar, his court, and the spirits who dwell in his personal belongings. Vajrayana practices such as these are considered mind treasures, meaning rather than being composed, they appeared fully formed as a transmission with the mind of a Vajrayana master.

The practices in this book are meant to be done only by those who have received Gesar Dorje Tsegyal empowerment or "entrustment with his life force," the reading transmission of the practice, and the associated instructions from a qualified master.

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