Magick & Occult,
Witchcraft and Wicca
Mummers with ill intentions, sacrificial May Queens, ecstatic trances. Folk horror is consistently fascinated by the power of ritual. In this issue we question the subgenre’s distrust of communal expression while we celebrate communities and their power to re-enchant. We travel through the isles following parades of ancient antlers, clashing swords, and spectral skeleton horses, and look at an ever-evolving body of folklore in order to reflect on our history and our future. This is our Beltane offering: folklore, magic, togetherness, and re-enchantment.
HELLEBORE is a collection of writings and essays devoted to folk horror and the themes that inspire it: folklore, myth, history, archaeology, psychogeography, and the occult.
Featuring words by Francis Young, Catherine Spooner, Victoria Anne Pearson, Maria J. Pérez Cuervo, Clare Button, Hannah Armstrong, Aleco Julius, and Angeline Morrison. Artwork by Nona Limmen, Richard Wells, and Nathaniel Hébert.
Edited .
Joseph Glanvill's Saducismus Triumphatus updated and revised. One of the most important texts concerning witchcraft and the paranormal in 17th century Europe. Ghosts, hauntings, witches, enchanted objects, poltergeist phenomena are featured. Witch trials from Somerset, Scotland, Ireland, and Sweden are described in detail using contemporary accounts from witnesses and the accused.
Paranormal activity, including the famous Drummer of Tedworth are also described in vivid, almost journalistic, language. There are ghosts, poltergeists, murder victims seeking post-mortem justice, a “knocking” banshee foretelling death, and a demonic stalker among others. There is a lengthy Introduction, which explains the historical and philosophical background to Saducismus, including the important role played by Cambridge Platonist Henry More, and the circle around Lady Ann Conway.
We have kept the frontispiece from the original and have included it as an illustration.
Limited edition of 200 copies only, with a hand-numbered limitation page.
£13.99 £16.99