Magick & Occult,
Hellenic Tantra argues that scholarship on later Platonism has been misled by a dualist worldview. The theurgic Platonists in the school of Iamblichus (4th century CE) did not ascend out of their bodies to be united with the gods—as is the common belief—but allowed the gods to descend into their bodies. By comparing embodied deification in theurgy to Tantric traditions of embodied deification, Gregory Shaw allows us to understand the power and charisma of the last Platonic teachers. Hellenic Tantra reveals a living Platonism that has been hidden from us.
First explored in Tantric Physics Vol. I: Cave of the Numinous, the new release from Anathema Publishing, Tantric Physics II: Sacred Body, Sacred Space continues to express the haunting inner realizations of initiatic perceptions. Embracing both the Right-Hand and Left-Hand Paths, the text reveals a unique vision of a Tantric Physics utilizing all branches of Vaidika sciences: Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotish, Vedanta, and Tantra.
Paperback edition.
Each card contains a Yantra, mantra, and a bite-sized bit of ancient wisdom. Simply choose a card each morning, sit with the colors and shapes while you say the corresponding mantra and watch your world transform.
These cards help you tune into your intuition and enhance your reality by using a combination of ancient images (Yantras) and sounds (Mantras) manifested by Indian sages thousands of years ago.