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Magick & Occult

Pillars (vol 2, issue 3): Wayfarer's Hearth by Gabriel McCaughry

Hardback edition, limited to 700 copies.

Come rest by the hearth’s fire and warm yourself, now that your travels are at an end. 

The night is long, and we are in no hurry. This is a time for reflection, to think back on where you have been – and where it has led you to.


Whether you have crossed oceans or deserts, wound your way through labyrinthine cities or long-forgotten ghost towns, followed untrodden paths or the pilgrim’s well-worn way – you are no longer the same, and you have wisdom to share.     

This is the Wayfarer’s Hearth: a gathering of voices and a recollection of transformative spiritual journeys. 

 Aaron Cheak (PhD), Aleco Julius, Brian Cotnoir, Carl Abrahamsson, Carl Austin Hyatt, Darragh Mason, Dr. Dearthrice DeWitt, Evan Davies, Gabriel McCaughry, Gloria D.N.E., Gavin Fox, Humberto Maggi, Ian C. Edwards (PhD), Johnny Decker Miller, Johana Reuter, Jennifer Chiasson, Jack Grayle, Kazim, Kim Schwenk, Matthew Olmsted, Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule, Philipp Müller, Rosemary Stehlik, Ross Fleming, Shani Oates, Suzanne Read, Tasha Menary, Viktoria Polikarpova (28 contributors!)

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