The Ibri Gate: Sacred Geometry as a Meditative Doorway
The Hebrew root of the word ibri means to “crossover” or “pass through.” The crossing that is dealt with in this book sits between ordinary perception and gnosis. A unique diagram is offered for use in meditation at this crucial intersection called The Ibri Gate. Many examples of this sacred image are provided. Practice with the geometry of the image allows the power of vision to dissolve conceptual networks on contact, to serve as a portal through the dense maze of psychological habits and reflexes. This passageway offers the practitioner a non-conceptual glimpse of the ground of all phenomena if the practice is accomplished correctly. The rare glimpses that arise can then be perfected over an entire lifetime.
Metatron’s Ladder presents a rare style of sacred work based on a 13-stage structure derived from a short medieval Kabbalistic text called The Thirteen Powers. The array pivots on the guiding power of wisdom personified by Metatron. However, this presence is not considered as an angelic being in its usual sense. Both the wisdom guidance and the mind that is guided by it are understood as mutual aspects of a single undifferentiated wisdom field where mundane concerns are released and the essential meaning of reality can awaken like a lightning flash. When the structure and symbolism of this text are understood through esoteric analysis a unique and powerful approach to mysticism shines through.