Tarot Cards
Let your love of fate go beyond the cards-and as far as the amor fati of Nietzsche! The Philosophers Tarot is chance's tryst with reason: a marriage of philosophy's conceptual creativity with the tarot's path of intuition. Read your spreads in the traditional manner, or delve deeply into the rich philosophical implications that emerge with every draw. While every tarot deck seeks to lift the veil from the forces of the universe, The Philosopher's Tarot does so by gesturing towards the wisdom of history's most notable sages.
The Philosopher's Tarot is a tarot deck which infuses the classic 78 card Rider-Waite deck with popular philosophical figures and their theoretical creativity. With added flair and vibrance, The Philosopher's Tarot elicits a mixture of classical interpretations and philosophical inquiry. The deck comprises mashups of the 22 major arcana with famous theorists.
The minor arcana has also been reworked to highlight the deck's convergence with philosophical themes. New spreads also engage the tarot's capacity to reveal fresh perspectives to its user whilst invoking stimulating questions about the nature of reality, the machinations of the world we live in, and the limits of our minds and bodies. The Philosopher's Tarot includes new renditions of the traditional 78 tarot cards and a 35-page booklet that briefly introduces the ideas of thinkers featured in the deck.
Before Aleister Crowley, before Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith, before the Golden Dawn, before Papus, Éliphas Lévi, and Etteilla, the first author to describe an occult version of the Tarot was Louis-Raphaël-Lucrèce de Fayolle, comte de Mellet, writing in Antoine Court de Gébelin’s, 1781, eighth volume of his monumental encyclopedia, Monde primitif.
The comte de Mellet associated the Tarot’s trumps with the Classical Ages of Man: the Age of Gold, the Age of Silver, and the Age of Iron. He correlated the Trumps with the letters in the Hebrew alphabet, he described the minor suits in detail, and he provided the earliest discussion of a divination technique for the Tarot.
The British-born artist Leonora Carrington (1917–2011) is one of the more fascinating figures to emerge from the Surrealist movement. As both a writer and painter, she was championed early by André Breton and joined the exiled Surrealists in New York, before settling in Mexico in 1943. The magical themes of Carrington’s otherworldly paintings are well-known, but the recent discovery of a suite of tarot designs she created for the Major Arcana was a revelation for scholars and fans of Carrington alike. Drawing inspiration from the Tarot of Marseille and the popular Waite-Smith deck, Carrington brings her own approach and style to this timeless subject, creating a series of iconic images. Executed on thick board, brightly coloured and squarish in format, Carrington’s Major Arcana shines with gold and silver leaf, exploring tarot themes through what Gabriel Weisz Carrington describes as a ‘surrealist object’.
This tantalising discovery, made by the curator Tere Arcq and scholar Susan Aberth, has placed greater emphasis upon the role of the tarot in Carrington’s creative life and has led to fresh research in this area. For this new edition of the Major Arcana deck, Susan Aberth and Tere Arcq have written an insightful essay that outlines Carrington’s life and provides an essential analysis of the divinatory meanings of each of the cards.