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Magick & Occult

The Secret Texts of Hellenic Polytheism by John Opsopaus

Only sixteen chapters of Plethon's Book of Laws survive, and for the first time ever, they have been translated into English in their entirety. George Gemistos, who called himself Plethon, helped to trigger the Renaissance by reawakening an interest in Platonism. After his death, his Christian enemies discovered and burned his secret book on Platonic Pagan theology.

These pages are what survived. Through translations and commentary by John Opsopaus PhD, you can immerse yourself in this philosopher's complete system of Neopagan theology and religious practice focused on the Hellenic pantheon and deeply rooted in ancient Greek Paganism. Enrich your own practice with detailed instructions from the Book of Laws on conducting these religious ceremonies.

This impressive guide features rituals, prayers, invocations, and hymns for holiday and daily use along with Plethon s complete sacred calendar

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