Christian Mysticism & Gnosticism
When a vision of a mysterious "Lady" invited Clark Strand and Perdita Finn to pray the rosary, not only were they disinterested in becoming Catholic, they were finished with institutional religion altogether. Their main spiritual concerns were the fate of the planet and the future of their children and grandchildren in an age of ecological collapse. But this Lady barely even referred to the Church and its proscriptions. She spoke of the miraculous power of the rosary to transform lives and heal the planet, revealing the secrets she had hidden within the rosary's prayers and mysteries--secrets of a past age when forests were the only cathedrals and people wove "rose garlands" for a Mother whose loving presence was as close as the ground beneath their feet. She told Strand and Finn:
The rosary is My body,
and My body is the body of the world.
Your body is one with that body.
What cause could there be for fear?
Weaving together their own remarkable story of how they came to the rosary, their discoveries about the eco-feminist wisdom at the heart of this ancient devotion, and the life-changing revelations of the Lady herself, the authors reveal an ancestral path--available to everyone, religious or not--that returns us to the powerful healing rhythms of the natural world.
Man’s most fundamental needs may be summed up as the need for Knowledge, for Love, and for a Way to salvation. At the present time many people feel cut off from any true meaning of existence, and the rush and personal worry of modern life as well as inner states appear to make it more and more difficult to satisfy these needs, to find a fundamental basis of living traditions, but people seldom have the necessary discrimination or guidance, and many soon lose heart or go astray.
Gnosis expounds different aspects of the great Traditions, including a remarkable section on the Chrisitan tradition, and points ways towards the Wisdom, Love and Sanctity which are the fruits of spiritual realization, and the distinguishing purpose of man’s existence.