Monday-Sunday 11.00-18.30 19-21 Cecil Ct, London WC2N 4EZ, UK

Vestigia Ater Draconis (Totemic Edition) by Peter & Carolyn Hamilton-Giles

Vestigia Ater Draconis is comprised of a 52 stanza incantation reifying the initiatory path issued from the auspice of the sinistral horn, scribed by Peter Hamilton-Giles. Each stanza is paired with an emission of imagic intent wrought by the hand of Carolyn Hamilton-Giles. The transmission also contains 52 sorcerous tenets acting as edicts for those who wish to walk the wonderous telluric path of the dirt track road.

We will also be offering a Totemic Edition with a limitation of 52 copies. This will contain a sigil that combines all three totems and will also contain an original piece of artwork from the book housed in a custom envelope, making each copy unique. The book will again be bound in burgundy/blood red cloth with gold foil blocking and will be housed in a slipcase with gold foil blocking to the front of the case.

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