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A Bolt of Lightning from the Blue: The vast commentary on Vajrakila that clearly defines the essential points

Through this translation, Martin Boord makes available for the first time in English the “Phur ‘grel ‘bum nag” and other related texts. The Phur ‘grel ‘bum nag is a series of explanations from Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra and Shilamanju. It was created by the three Acarya in Nepal more than twelve-hundred years ago, during a concentrated religious retreat, and was transmitted to Yeshe Tsogyal. This remarkable encyclopaedic text marks the beginning of the tantric Buddhist practice of the wrathful deity Vajrakila. It is the most important commentary to the rites of Kila.

Including in this publication are many wonderful treasures, texts from India as well as Tibet, starting with a number of citations from the Sanskrit origins, which give us an idea about the development of the Kila lore in the area south of the Himalayas. The book is dedicated to the preservation of Tibetan texts and it shows us how the transmission lineage of the “Northern” school was followed and maintained.

The book consists of translations, with footnotes, of many original texts, including two short Vajrakila tantras; one of them represents Padmasambhava’s own practice. There is an introduction by the translator and a bibliography and index. We believe that this book will become not only a standard work on the subject of Vajrakila, but also a great inspiration for practitioners from other traditions.

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