Precognition is the scientific name for the knowledge or perception of the future, obtained through extrasensory means. Often called 'premonition', precognition is the most frequently reported of all extrasensory perception (ESP) experiences, occurring most often in dreams. It may also occur spontaneously in waking visions, auditory hallucinations, flashing thoughts entering the mind, the sense of "knowing" and physiological changes.
Combining science and practice, Theresa and Dr Julia unravel the mystery of precognition. The book will cover: What precognition is and the different types, clearly explaining the cutting-edge science, including what is known and what is still a mystery The most common premonitions that people experience and why, including examples from around the world Experimental tools to help you cultivate precognition experiences to help get useful information for your lifeCase studies included throughout, with supporting scientific evidence offered alongside to provide validation and explanationPersonal experiences of the authors, detailing how premonition has shaped their lives and interviews with leading scientists and experts in the field
Paperback edition
With additional contributions from
Mike Ashley, Peter Bell, Gina Collia, John Howard, Marcelle Mapsby,
Jim Rockhill, Brian J. Showers and Fran Weighell
Literary Hauntings identifies and describes the real-life locations that have inspired the best fictional ghost stories of Britain and Ireland. Notable examples are the Suffolk beach where M.R. James set his terrifying ‘ “Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad” ’, and the ruins of the Scottish mansion featured in Margaret Oliphant’s classic ‘The Open Door’.
This comprehensive gazetteer, consisting of 267 entries by experts and exponents in the genre, identifies the building in Dublin that inspired Joseph Le Fanu’s story ‘The House by the Churchyard’, and the canals where Elizabeth Jane Howard’s eerie ‘Three Miles Up’ is set. Both classic and contemporary ghost stories are included.
Literary Hauntings is designed to help readers track down landscapes, monuments, cities, towns and villages that have haunted writers of ghost stories for at least the last two hundred years. The gazetteer is also a celebration of the insight and craft that goes into writing a really good ghost story, a genre that is still sometimes overlooked today.
£11.69 £12.99
Super practical, easy-to-follow and fun guide to harnessing your psychic abilities by an internationally renowned psychic. Discover your full potential with the help of the simple techniques and exercises in this practical step-by-step guide. Activate Your Psychic Powers shows you how to harness abilities unexplained by contemporary western science: clairvoyance, healing, precognition, telepathy, mediumship.
The potential to develop psychic powers lies within each and every one of us. It is not a case of receiving knowledge, but of remembering what we have long forgotten. Billy Roberts helps you to tap into your latent psychic powers using methods proven to produce extraordinary results.
Learn how to:master your own mind with meditation improve your self-worth and confidence by channeling the powers of the mind perfect your skills of telepathy receive and understand visions of the future heal others using the power of your mind experience astral travel communicate with the dead Developing your psychic abilities will allow you to connect more with your spiritual self and become more confident and positive.