Modern Teachers & Non-Duality,
The impact of the Autobiography wasn't limited to musicians or spiritual seekers. Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple Inc., which became the world's most valuable company, was a big fan and went so far as to say it was one of his favourite books. Jobs first read it as a teenager and claimed to have re-read it every year since then.'
Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi was one of the most impactful spiritual books of the twentieth century and has travelled around the world, inspiring millions to walk the spiritual path. But what are twenty-first-century spiritual aspirants, steeped in technology and science, to think of these classic tales of gurus, swamis and miracles in the Himalayas? Do these tales have relevance today?
In Wisdom of a Yogi, bestselling author, entrepreneur and venture capitalist Rizwan Virk brings out the lessons from Yogananda's classic and reinterprets them for the modern age. In fourteen unforgettable lessons, interweaving stories from the Autobiography with tales of college professors, students, entrepreneurs and modern seekers, Virk brings the ancient lessons of karma, yoga, meditation and siddhas into the modern age of YouTube, video games, mobile phones and social media.
Whether you have never read the Autobiography or have read it multiple times, Wisdom of a Yogi will help enhance your spiritual practice in today's increasingly complex, cluttered and connected world.
Kabir was an extraordinary poet whose works have been sung and recited by millions throughout North India for half a millennium. He was perhaps illiterate (I don`t touch ink or paper, this hand never grasped a pen), and he preached an abrasive, sometimes shocking, always uncompromising message exhorting his audience to shed their delusions, pretensions and empty orthodoxies in favor of an intense, direct personal confrontation with truth.
The Bijak is one of the most important anthologies, being the sacred book of the Kabir Panth and the main representative of the Eastern tradition of Kabir`s verses. Shukdev Singh and Linda Hess have accomplished a translation of real grace and remarkable accuracy. The introduction and notes explore Kabir`s work, place it in its initial context, and explore its meaning for modern time.
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